Interactive Jupyter Notebook versions of these tutorials can be found on GitHub.
using BondGraphs
using Catalyst
using Plots
Simple Electric Circuit
This is a reduced copy-and-paste version of the electric circuit tutorial in the Getting Started section.
model = BondGraph("RC Circuit")
C = Component(:C)
R = Component(:R)
Is = Component(:Sf, "Is")
kvl = EqualEffort()
add_node!(model, [C, R, Is, kvl])
connect!(model, R, kvl)
connect!(model, C, kvl)
connect!(model, Is, kvl)
C.C = 1
R.R = 2
u0 = [1]
p = plot()
for i in 1:4
Is.fs = t -> cos(i * t)
sol = simulate(model, (0., 5.); u0)
plot!(p, sol, label = "f(t) = cos($(i)t)", lw=2)
Biochemical Reaction Networks
BondGraphs.jl includes a special type conversion from a Catalyst.ReactionSystem
to a BondGraph
. This means we can easily create chemical reaction networks with the @reaction_network
macro and automatically generate a biochemical bond graph.
A simple biochemical example
We will start with a very simple chemical reaction.
\[A + B \rightleftharpoons C\]
Due to the design of bond graphs, all reactions must be reversible.
abc = @reaction_network ABC begin
1, A + B --> C
bg_abc = BondGraph(abc)
The 1
before the reaction definition is the reaction rate. This is currently not used in the conversion, so the value is only a placeholder. The reaction rate can be set later in the bond graph.
This model derives equations for mass-action kinetics. (Other reaction equations can be used with a custom reaction component.)
constitutive_relations(bg_abc; sub_defaults=true)
\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) - \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) - \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= - \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \end{align} \]
tspan = (0., 2.)
u0 = [1, 1, 0]
sol = simulate(bg_abc, tspan; u0)
plot(sol, lw=3)
This process works with multiple reactions with different stoichiometries.
\[A + 2B \rightleftharpoons 3C \\ 8A + 4C \rightleftharpoons D\]
abcd = @reaction_network ABCD begin
1, A + 2B --> 3C
1, 8A + 4C --> D
bg_abcd = BondGraph(abcd)
constitutive_relations(bg_abcd; sub_defaults=true)
\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= e^{3 \log\left( \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) \right)} - \left( \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{2} \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) + 8 \left( \mathtt{D.q}\left( t \right) - \left( \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{4} \left( \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{8} \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= 2 \left( e^{3 \log\left( \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) \right)} - \left( \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{2} \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= 3 \left( \left( \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{2} \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) - \left( \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{3} \right) + 4 \left( \mathtt{D.q}\left( t \right) - \left( \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{4} \left( \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{8} \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{D.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= - \mathtt{D.q}\left( t \right) + \left( \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{4} \left( \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{8} \end{align} \]
tspan = (0.0, 0.1)
u0 = [3, 2, 1, 0]
sol = simulate(bg_abcd, tspan; u0)
plot(sol, lw=3)
The reversible Michaelis-Menten model
A realistic example with chemostats. Chemostats are chemical species that are held constant throught the reaction by adding or removing the species to maintian the set concentration.
\[E + S \rightleftharpoons C \\ C \rightleftharpoons E + P\]
Here, the substrate S
and P
are chemostats. In bond graph terms, this means replacing the Ce
components with a SCe
rn_mm = @reaction_network MM_reversible begin
(1, 1), E + S <--> C
(1, 1), C <--> E + P
bg_mm = BondGraph(rn_mm; chemostats=["S", "P"])
plot(bg_mm, fontsize=12)
bg_mm.S.xs = t -> 1 + t # substrate increases over time
tspan = (0., 10.)
u0 = [1,2]
sol = simulate(bg_mm, tspan; u0)
plot(sol, lw=3)
In this example we will demonstrate biochemical bond graph construction on a larger system.
We will model the SERCA reaction network as described in Tran et al.[1] and Pan et al.[2]
rn_serca = @reaction_network SERCA begin
(1, 1), P1 + MgATP <--> P2
(1, 1), P2 + H <--> P2a
(1, 1), P2 + 2Cai <--> P4
(1, 1), P4 <--> P5 + 2H
(1, 1), P5 <--> P6 + MgADP
(1, 1), P6 <--> P8 + 2Casr
(1, 1), P8 + 2H <--> P9
(1, 1), P9 <--> P10 + H
(1, 1), P10 <--> P1 + Pi
chemostats = ["MgATP", "MgADP", "Pi", "H", "Cai", "Casr"]
bg_serca = BondGraph(rn_serca; chemostats)
plot(bg_serca, size=(600,600), fontsize=10)
For this example we need to set the parameter values for the reaction rates $r$, the species affinities $K$, the chemostat concentrations $x_s$, and the initial concentrations for all $P_i$.
We also set let the calcium concentration increase over time with $[\text{Ca}^{2+}] = 0.05 + 0.01t$
reaction_rates = [
:R1 => 0.00053004,
:R2 => 8326784.0537,
:R3 => 1567.7476,
:R4 => 1567.7476,
:R5 => 3063.4006,
:R6 => 130852.3839,
:R7 => 11612934.8748,
:R8 => 11612934.8748,
:R9 => 0.049926
species_affinities = [
:P1 => 5263.6085,
:P2 => 3803.6518,
:P2a => 3110.4445,
:P4 => 16520516.1239,
:P5 => 0.82914,
:P6 => 993148.433,
:P8 => 37.7379,
:P9 => 2230.2717,
:P10 => 410.6048,
:Cai => 1.9058,
:Casr => 31.764,
:MgATP => 244.3021,
:MgADP => 5.8126e-7,
:Pi => 0.014921,
:H => 1862.5406
vol_sr = 2.28
chemostat_amounts = [
:Cai => t -> 0.0057,
:Casr => t -> vol_sr*(0.05 + 0.01t), # Ca2+ increases over time
:H => t -> 0.004028,
:MgADP => t -> 1.3794,
:MgATP => t -> 3.8,
:Pi => t -> 570
initial_conditions = [
:P1 => 0.000483061870385487,
:P2 => 0.0574915174273067,
:P2a => 0.527445119834607,
:P4 => 1.51818391164022e-09,
:P5 => 0.000521923287622898,
:P6 => 7.80721128535043e-05,
:P8 => 0.156693953834181,
:P9 => 0.149232225342376,
:P10 => 0.108044124948978
for (reaction, rate) in reaction_rates
getproperty(bg_serca, reaction).r = rate
for (species, affinity) in species_affinities
getproperty(bg_serca, species).K = affinity
for (chemostat, amount) in chemostat_amounts
getproperty(bg_serca, chemostat).xs = amount
for (species, ic) in initial_conditions
getproperty(bg_serca, species).q = ic
import DifferentialEquations: Rosenbrock23 # stiff equation solver
tspan = (0., 200.)
sol = simulate(bg_serca, tspan; solver=Rosenbrock23());
plot(sol, lw=2, legend=:right)
Electrochemical System: Ion Pore Transport
A multiphysics bond graph example that combines biochemical reactions with electrical (ion) forces. This example is taken from Cudmore et al.[3]
For this example we are modelling three ion pore channels for $\mathrm{Na}^+$, $\mathrm{Cl}^-$ and $\mathrm{K}^+$. It is a good idea to define a function that returns an ion pore base model.
function ion_pore(name=""; z=1, conc_ex=1//1000, conc_in=1//1000)
bg = BondGraph(name * " Ion Pore Transport")
membrane = Component(:C, "mem"; C=1)
ion_ex = Component(:SCe, "Ie"; K=1, xs=t->conc_ex)
ion_in = Component(:SCe, "Ii"; K=1, xs=t->conc_in)
potential_mem = EqualEffort()
flow_f = EqualFlow()
flow_r = EqualFlow()
TF_F = Component(:TF, "F"; n=96485)
TF_zf = Component(:TF, "-z/2"; n=-z//2) # -ve voltage
TF_zr = Component(:TF, "z/2"; n=z//2) # +ve voltage
re_pore = Component(:Re, "pore"; r=1//10_000_000)
allcomps = [
membrane, ion_ex, ion_in, potential_mem, flow_f, flow_r,
TF_F, TF_zr, TF_zf, re_pore
add_node!(bg, allcomps)
connect!(bg, ion_ex, flow_f)
connect!(bg, flow_f, re_pore)
connect!(bg, re_pore, flow_r)
connect!(bg, flow_r, ion_in)
connect!(bg, flow_r, (TF_zr,2))
connect!(bg, (TF_zr,1), potential_mem)
connect!(bg, potential_mem, (TF_zf,1))
connect!(bg, (TF_zf,2), flow_f)
connect!(bg, potential_mem, (TF_F,2))
connect!(bg, (TF_F,1), membrane)
return bg
ion_pore_bg = ion_pore()
ions = [
"Na" => (z=1, conc_ex=155//1000, conc_in=19//1000),
"Cl" => (z=-1, conc_ex=112//1000, conc_in=78//1000),
"K" => (z=1, conc_ex=5//1000, conc_in=136//1000),
plot(; legend=:bottomright)
for (ionname, params) in ions
model = ion_pore(ionname; params...)
sol = simulate(model, (0., 1000.))
plot!(sol, label=ionname, lw=3)
plot!(; xlabel="Time [ms]", ylabel="Membrane potential [mV]", yformatter=y->y*1000)
Enzyme Catalysed Reactions
We can create custom reaction components which describe enzyme-catalyzed reaction mechanices, such as the Michaelis-Menten rate law.
This method of adding custom components will be deprecated in the near future and replaced with a new method.
New components are constructed using the same dictionary structure as in the default component library. See addlibrary!
for more details.
using ModelingToolkit
t = ModelingToolkit.t_nounits
@parameters R T r1 r2 k_c e_T
@variables E(t)[1:2] F(t)[1:2] # effort and flow variables
R, T = GlobalScope(R), GlobalScope(T) # no namespace
D = ModelingToolkit.D_nounits
# Custom Michaelis-Mentin reaction component
ReMM = Dict(
:description => """
Michaelis-Menten reaction
r1: Rate of reaction 1
r2: Rate of reaction 2
k_c: Affinity of complex relative to free enzyme
e_T: Total amount of enzyme
R: Universal Gas Constant
T: Temperature
:numports => 2,
:variables => Dict(
:parameters => Dict(
r1 => 1,
r2 => 1,
k_c => 1,
e_T => 1
:globals => Dict(
R => 8.314,
T => 310.0
:equations => [
0 ~ F[1] + F[2],
0 ~ F[1] - e_T*r1*r2*k_c*(exp(E[1]/R/T) - exp(E[2]/R/T)) / (r1*exp(E[1]/R/T) + r2*exp(E[2]/R/T) + k_c*(r1+r2))
# add to component library
addlibrary!(Dict(:ReMM => ReMM))
\[ \begin{align} 0 &= F\left( t \right)_{1} + F\left( t \right)_{2} \\ 0 &= F\left( t \right)_{1} + \frac{ - \mathtt{e\_T} \mathtt{k\_c} \mathtt{r1} \mathtt{r2} \left( e^{\frac{E\left( t \right)_{1}}{R T}} - e^{\frac{E\left( t \right)_{2}}{R T}} \right)}{\mathtt{k\_c} \left( \mathtt{r1} + \mathtt{r2} \right) + \mathtt{r1} e^{\frac{E\left( t \right)_{1}}{R T}} + \mathtt{r2} e^{\frac{E\left( t \right)_{2}}{R T}}} \end{align} \]
We will create a bond graph with these new equations. $ A \rightleftharpoons B \rightleftharpoons C $
rn_enzyme = @reaction_network EnzymeNetwork begin
(1, 1), A <--> B
(1, 1), B <--> C
bg = BondGraph(rn_enzyme)
bg.A.K, bg.B.K, bg.C.K = 1, 1, 1
# Swap mass-action components for new michaelis-menten components
MM1 = Component(:ReMM, "MM1"; r1=100, r2=100)
MM2 = Component(:ReMM, "MM2"; r1=100, r2=100)
swap!(bg, bg.R1, MM1)
swap!(bg, bg.R2, MM2)
constitutive_relations(bg; sub_defaults=true)
\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \frac{100 \left( - \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)}{2 + \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right)} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \frac{200 \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) + 200 \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) - 400 \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) + 200 \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) - 200 \left( \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)^{2}}{\left( 2 + \mathtt{A.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right) \left( 2 + \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= \frac{100 \left( - \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right) \right)}{2 + \mathtt{C.q}\left( t \right) + \mathtt{B.q}\left( t \right)} \end{align} \]
sol = simulate(bg, (0., 20.); u0=[200,50,100])
plot(sol, lw=2)
- 1Tran et al., A Thermodynamic Model of the Cardiac Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Ca2+ (SERCA) Pump (2009)
- 2Pan et al., Bond graph modelling of the cardiac action potential: implications for drift and non-unique steady states (2018)
- 3Cudmore et al., Analysing and simulating energy-based models in biology using BondGraphTools (2021)